
"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, writer


„Die Details sind nicht die Details. Sie bilden das Design.“

Charles Eames, Designer und Architekt


Ihre digitale Welt

„Die Zukunft gehört denen, die sie kommen hören“

David Bowie


You want to impress your customers with a unique website?
With a web design that meets the highest demands on the design and the graphic interface?
With amazing creativity, expertise and flexibility, we will implement your wishes.
Benefit from our years of experience in marketing and the success of your website is guaranteed.

Good reasons for cooperation

Your satisfaction is a top priority for us. Therefore, we work exactly to your specifications and take into account your every wish. We listen to you, understand research, design, advice - and provide what is best for you. The result will convince you: a customized solution with added value.
No matter if small or large Budget: Your website has come out of the crowd of competitors and has a high conversion rate markable.

You benefit from our professionalism with which we implement every project. The creative minds of the small but fine team have in-depth know-how in design, graphic design, web design, web development, app development, software development, advertising, print production, 3D design, 3D rendering, PR marketing and social media.

You will get your money back if you are not satisfied with the result. This means for you: You take no risk, sit back and relax while we swing the digital magic wand.

Why do we offer such a guarantee? - Because we are 100% convinced of our services and know that we will inspire you. Numerous successful projects and satisfied customers confirm our professionalism.


Web development that works

"Form follows function - that has been misunderstood. Form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union"

Mobile App Development

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”


Web applications

Computers do not solve problems; they execute solutions "



Our fonts and logos are suitable for outdoor and indoor use.

Offset and digital printing

With the Roland XF 640 and Epson Stylus Pro 9800 we can offer both digital prints and offset printing up to a width of 160 cm.Both

Textile printing

Multi-colored designs are printed on high quality flex foil, cut to the final format and then transmitted at a transfer press to the textile.

Tampon printing

Tampon printing can also print on irregular surfaces

Laser engraving

The laser marking is the targeted color removal of coated objects.

3D Rendering

“A good advertisement is one which sells the product without drawing attention to itself.”


... AXA sh.p.k. ka deshmuar nivel te larte te profesionalizmit sa i perket plotesimit te afateve te liferimit si dhe sherbimeve te mirembajtjes te ofruara dhe pas dorezimit...

Zyra e Presidentit - Republika e Kosoves

MI-ja konsideron se kjo kompani ka kapacitete, staf teknik dhe pervoj per realizimin e projekteve ne lemin e njejte - Teknologjise Informative. MI-ja e rekomandon kete kompani edhe tek investuesit tjere, si kontraktues i pergjegjshem i cili obligimet nga kontratat e nenshkruara i kryen me afat dhe me kualitetin e kerkuar.

Ministria e Infrastruktures - Republika e Kosoves

Kompania AXA SHPK ka implementuar me sukses dhe perkushtim te gjitha kontratat e lartecekura duke respektuar dhe permbushur te gjitha kushtet e kontratave. Ne baze te gjithe kesaj, te gjitha paleve te interesuara u rekomandojme kompanine AXA SHPK si kompani te perkushtuar ne aspektin e punes, kualitetit dhe permbushjes se kerkesave te klientit.

Banka Ekonomike

... AXA sh.p.k. me korrektesi i ka permbushur te gjitha obligimet dhe me sukses ofron sherbimet e pas shitjes andaj me kenaqesi rekomandojme tek te tjeret...

Korporata Energjetike e Kosovës – KEK sh.a.

Kompania AXA SHPK i ka kryer te gjitha obligimet dhe sherbimet kontraktuale andaj rekomandojme bashkepunimin me te.

RTK Radio Televizioni i Kosovës.